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Booking work in

Once we have accepted you as a freelancer you will be asked to sign an annual contract, we will then email you with a choice of sites and dates. You can work as much or as little as you choose. It is up to you to let us know which sites and dates you are available to work. Once we have agreed on dates/sites we will send you written confirmation in the form of a Letter of Engagement (LoE).

Getting paid

For all paid roles, we employ on a self-employed basis and require an invoice, either through a company or direct, including your UTR (Unique Tax Reference). We pay invoices promptly every two weeks, so our freelancers know they will get paid quickly and on time.

“Wild Learning are a great company for a self-employed person to work

for. They are very supportive of any difficulties I might have on a practical

level, always happy to help, always on the other end of the phone and I

never, ever have to chase up an invoice!”

Martin Kingdom, Wild Learning Leader


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